We’ve created a new game! Sort of!
The Last Dungeon is a mysterious top-down adventure game, which tasks you with searching 5 dungeons for the tools to kill a terrible Beast. It has a black/white psuedo-pixel artstyle, a simple interface, has a relatively short playtime, some secrets, and ever-changing factors… Sound familiar?
As some know: This isn’t the first time this game has been seen! This game was first featured as a game-within-a-game in GESTALT: The Fifth Day, during the DUNGEON scenario! This Itch version of the game is a free-play version, not tied to GESTALT, where there are more items, more time, while being significantly more challenging. This free-play version is actually available within GESTALT as well, but for those of you who want to play this creepy little adventure game all by itself, now’s your chance!