Keepers of the Keep is a CRPG-style fantasy game, with dice rolling mechanics, stat management, and dating sim mechanics.
Keepers of the Keep is the second title developed by KINJAKO, with original music by Percy Alexander. The game is currently self-published.
The Keep is a diverse town, with countless people and fantasy races residing within, working together to make the community the best it can be. However, civil unrest brews beneath the Keep’s quiet surface, slowly and steadily encroaching on the lives of the townsfolk. The warning signs are here, but will anyone be able to piece together the threat that looms within their very town?
Meanwhile, a thief from out of town has been caught within the Keep, forced to work off their debt by working at the Hutch & Go, the Keep’s local convenience shop. This thief will become central to this core conflict more than they possibly know, and the outcome of their involvement will be decided by how they spend their new life in this unfamiliar location.
Keepers of the Keep uses a unique dice rolling feature, utilizing two six-sided dice that you will be rolling to decide the outcome of nearly every event in the game. How the dice land may be up to chance, but how you manage your stats as well as the items you carry/use will greatly turn the luck of the dice in your favor!
Work during the day to earn your gold, shop and interact with the townsfolk during the afternoon to grow your stats, and go questing in the evening to end your day. There are a limited number of days in the game's narrative, so it's up to you to spend your time wisely as the game ticks down to one of many, many endings.